Cool App: Connect

In today's crazy world where social networking sites are a dime a dozen, how does one keep track of all their connections? What if you wanted to know more about your connections, be it through Facebook or Linkedin and the ilk? How about WHERE your connections are? How about getting automatically notified when one of them happens to be in your town? Mindful of the fact that the location based feature has been around for a while through Google Maps or Foursquare, this is the first time the data is pulled from all your social networking contacts into a single unifying and visually appealing format. Enter Connect.

In their own words, "Today, through email, mobile phones and social media, we're interacting with many times more people than we were even a decade ago. And as increasingly mobile people ourselves, we just keep creating new relationships - every time we attend a conference, switch jobs, or join a friend's dinner party.

Whereas many companies are all about helping you find new people, our aim is to help you make the most of the relationships you already have."

Using Connect is as simple as it gets:
  1. Visit Connect's site or download the iOS app (for now, the Android version is in the works). 
  2. Sign up. 
  3. Connect to your social networks. 
  4. Connect will then display a visual map with all your contacts around the world. It will also notify you — unless you specify otherwise — when a friend travels to your city.
Currently available on the web and through the iTunes Store, the company is also working on an Android version of the app. Judging by what the company has achieved in such a short time span (they are less than 2 years old), we can't wait to see what else they have in store in the upcoming months!


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