Cool App: Tour My App

If you have ever worked on an application that involves heavy user input, you know the headache that comes with developing a user manual or a demo video for using the application. Yes there are several expensive software that you can use to record your keystrokes, mouse movements and other details you may want to include, but let's face it... it is still a cumbersome process. Tour My App is an application developed by a small start up which lets you create in-application tours for your web app. Intrigued? Read on...

The tours are a series of message boxes that guide users through tasks in your app. You can use tours to engage new users, highlight advanced features, help users perform tasks, or even as a substitute for documentation (so they say). Oh and you don't have to know or do any coding at all (some of the heavyweight applications do require this). Another cool feature is analytics to show how your users use a tour and where they drop out. This can definitely come in handy when you are trying to gauge user interaction for your web application. 

Tour My App comes with some nifty additions like making completely interactive tours, where you can progress the tour when users perform specific actions, like clicking a button or typing some text (similar to a PowerPoint presentation). The look and feel of the demo is also completely customizable. This really is one of the simplest apps we have tested out to create demos and anyone can create one in a matter of minutes. Give it a shot... they do have a free 30 day trial and their pricing is also pretty nominal from what we see. Check out a video that showcases some of the features below:


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