Critiqued: Vazhakku Enn 18/9 (Case No. 18/9)

It is hard to stay objective when you watch a film that deals with real world circumstances. We are talking about the darker side of life that, for the most part, a lot of us either ignore or are oblivious to. If you are looking for a light hearted film, Vazhakku Enn 18/9 is not it. 

This film is a crime thriller written and directed by Balaji Sakthivel, starring Mithun Murali, Sri, Urmila Mahanta and Manisha Yadav in the lead roles. We would categorize the film as an indy art film for its lack of glamor and dance numbers, and a realistic portrayal of some of the simplest of day to day scenarios. It would be safe to say it is not all fun and games. We noticed several uncomfortable shifts in their seats by parents who were watching the film with their adolescent children. Something to keep in mind if you are planning on watching the film.

The story line is presented to the audience using some unconventional filming techniques (in the Kollywood world) and there are several close up shots of the actors and actresses. Considering the entire cast is made up of newcomers, we applaud their performance. The film really draws you in and this is in part due to the story line and the raw emotion displayed by the cast. It is definitely not your run of the mill type film and your movie going experience is probably not going to be an upbeat one. Vazhakku Enn 18/9 is probably not suited for everyone, but it is definitely worth a watch. Life can't always be a bed of roses right?

Our Rating: 

Vazhakku Enn 18/9 is currently playing in Chennai at the Satyam, Inox and Fame theaters.


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